Wednesday, January 17, 2007


With so much information, so many things to sell and so many media and communications outlets vying for our attention it is crucial, now more than ever before, to be able to discern quality, reliable information quickly and with ruthless judgement. To those entrepreneurs who fight for my time and hopefully my dollar I give my praise. The following are the Subject Lines of Spam that I have received that were so elegant, so enticing that I had to read more:

You Want It? We've Got It!
If I want it, I can't get it, If I can't get it, then I don't have it, If I don't have it then I don't need it, If I don't need it, then I've allready got it, If I've allready got it then I don't want it, If I don't want it, you can have it, If you can have it then I wouldn't want it,.....I suspect before opening this email that they are selling Old Spice.

Smoking Survey: $100 for your time
I don't smoke, but thank you.

Smokers & Non-Smokers, Earn 100 dollar for taking our short Tobacco Survey
All well, okay then.

RE: Get a Free PS3 system
Finally, they got back to me!!!!

Lose 12 pounds in 2 days
Reminds me of the old joke, "Hey, you know how to lose ten pounds of ugly fat?.................... Cut off your head!"

Get 10 Bonus Ringtones!
I use them all at the Library!!!!


Steven said...

Thank you good sir--I read this post at the reference desk and guffawed with such vigor I sprayed the beer I was drinking upon an unsuspecting patron.

J Harper said...

You know, you could respond to these emails and kindly ask to be removed from their mailing list. I'm sure that would help reduce the amount of spam you receive.

Brett said...

I'll give that a try. Your probably right. It works with telemarketers. Thanks for the sugestion!

Cindy said...

Beer??? At the reference desk???

Steven said...

we serve information on tap

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmm,......Root Beer? Yea, thats it, Root Beer!