Thursday, May 31, 2007

It Might be Yummy but I'm not Sure if its

Welcome to Meta Tagging 2.0. As with many of the Web 2.0 products this needs to be used to be appreciated. At first it is waaay to random and scategorical to be of any worth.

But like that earthy 95 California Pinot Noir, it has a lingering after taste that is not half bad.

I can see utility with it but it requires effort, like exercise, when overtime it becomes noticably beneficial.

RSS Feeds

Generally, when I use them I gravitate to the topics of interest, and they are usually the usal suspects with me. Favorite websites or newspapers.

What is of value to these types of searches is knowing if people are using them. If they are then it is more a marketing tool than a personal research tool.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


It is nice once there but it is getting there. Bloglines Account

Is Listening Really Reading?

I would love to download some audio books but my paranoid wife has our MAC locked down tighter than NORAD.

She forgot her own password last night though. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!! I laughed, the laugh of the DAMNED!


The Web, Streaming Audio and now Podcasts have allowed me to not only to continue to follow my hometown team but to follow it just as though I never left town.

God Bless the web for this. Podcasts have simply provided time shifting for my favorite shows much like a DVR.

So, nothing really new in this regard other than the Podcasts allow a little bit of "Public Access TV" to the mix.

I Have Wikied

I Have Danced with the Devil in the Pale Moon Light.

The Wiki Wiki Shake

Wiki's, Forums, Blogs, Static Web Pages. What to do with them? What to make of all of them? How will the Library use them?

The utility in all these applications comes down to the mission of the library, the overall scheme of any library website and ensuring cohesion. A Wiki is just another piece of the puzzle. And naturally, until the strengths, weaknesses and finally the identified application trying to piece all these tools together is not much different than working on a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle titled "Sky Blue".

When used properly all these utilites add context and value to a website but their integration needs to be fairly seemless. Libraries need to not only draw people to their sites, but they need to KEEP them there. As branches if all we were pushing were books, then we wouldn't need chairs and tables. We invite people to come and sit a spell. Our web experience should be similar. The sites need to offer more of an experience than just helping people get information.

Wiki's offer not just staff to contribute but the overall community as well. We sell fundraising bricks when we build new branches or additions. People contribute not only because it goes to a good cause, but they are putting their name on the building itself. There is a sense of legacy that goes beyond just contribution when that $100 check is handed over.

Wiki's, Blogs, and Forums are ways the Library can ask not only staff but the public to put their "stamp" on the Library.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Technocratic Technorati

Okay, first thought in scanning the site was a link at the top of the Technorati page titled simply "WTF". Well, "progressive" I'm thinking. I click it and it takes me to a page and apparhently, WTF stands for "Wheres The Fire".

Okay, can we please get a ISO Standard for the acronym for "WTF"!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I don't know what it means anymore! Is it "Work Time Fun"? Is it "Wheres The Fire"? Or does it mean what I think it means while online chatting and you don't want the censorship overlords to kill your account?

Either way, I added some things. All Hail Technorati!

Rollyo is Whack

Call me old fashion but I remain loyal to Alta Vista. I know all the kids think "Google" is old and Rollyo is the wave of the future, but for me, I'll stick with Alta Vista.

What? you really wanted my opinion? Fine.

My first impression is, I don't need a search engine of my "most trusted sites" since I GO to my most trusted sites. And if I use my RSS successfully then another layer of things to search for is stripped away.

Is there use for it? Yes, but it is best served by a very defined role within your website.

My Web 2.0 Award goes To:

Free Online Games brought to you by Arcaplay

I think this speaks to where I stand on the earlier discussion about "Is Play Important To Me" from our earlier 71/2 Habits, Play.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


ZoHo, I love you. I don't care that only gave you 5.7. I don't care that I can't download a single thing that I have stored on your server. I simply don't care about that, I love you.

Sure, Flickr and I had some good times, but its over and they weren't the same, they meant nothing to me. But you, you were different. Right from the start you were easy going. You were approachable. I didn't have to compete for my username when I registered with you. You accepted me for who I wanted to be, not the phonetic monster of a username others wanted to make me into. It was as though I was the most important account to you, and right off the bat, I felt special, felt..... felt at home.

I didn't have to read any any lengthy commitments or agreements to get to know you. You just greeted me with open arms and your cute little logo. You are simply there for me when I need you the most. When my hard drive is down, or my flash drive is missing. And when we are together, I don't have to share you with pop ups or other advertising.

I know you lack some features, but hey, don't we all. Your features alone are not as important to me. What I really care about is a little deeper than superficial features, and something I'm willing to wait for with you. You are potential. And in the deep, deep ocean of Web 2.0 options, you offer something real, something meaningful, something I can use.

And your commitment to me seems almost boundless. Sure, I expect you to be there for me on my work pc, my home pc. And of course, we can meet up on my laptop at a coffee shop. But no, you are willing to go places with me that I never dreamed you would follow.

If I asked you to meet me on my Wii, would you? .........Yes! How about my PS3?....... You'll meet me there too! How about my PSP in a coffee shop?.... No, not yet. Well thats okay, in time.

I still love you.