Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Wiki Wiki Shake

Wiki's, Forums, Blogs, Static Web Pages. What to do with them? What to make of all of them? How will the Library use them?

The utility in all these applications comes down to the mission of the library, the overall scheme of any library website and ensuring cohesion. A Wiki is just another piece of the puzzle. And naturally, until the strengths, weaknesses and finally the identified application trying to piece all these tools together is not much different than working on a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle titled "Sky Blue".

When used properly all these utilites add context and value to a website but their integration needs to be fairly seemless. Libraries need to not only draw people to their sites, but they need to KEEP them there. As branches if all we were pushing were books, then we wouldn't need chairs and tables. We invite people to come and sit a spell. Our web experience should be similar. The sites need to offer more of an experience than just helping people get information.

Wiki's offer not just staff to contribute but the overall community as well. We sell fundraising bricks when we build new branches or additions. People contribute not only because it goes to a good cause, but they are putting their name on the building itself. There is a sense of legacy that goes beyond just contribution when that $100 check is handed over.

Wiki's, Blogs, and Forums are ways the Library can ask not only staff but the public to put their "stamp" on the Library.

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